Weeks 5 & 6 – TV


Your assignments go here. You can work online in this space as well.

Weeks 5 & 6 - TV

Meet Your Instructors

Tamara Pimental


Tamara is Métis from Winnipeg, Manitoba. She received a diploma in interactive media arts at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon and has worked as a videographer for CBC in Winnipeg and Iqaluit. Tamara was hired by APTN in 2016 as a camera/editor and is now a video journalist in the Winnipeg bureau.

Weeks 5 Schedule


Morning – Intro and Planning, Shooting 

Afternoon – Review shooting exercise


Morning – Scripts, Review and plan stories 

Afternoon – Nelson Bird, Social media 


Morning – Visual storytelling, rethinking stories with pictures

Afternoon – To be confirmed 


Morning – Scripting, writing to visuals 

Afternoon – Vetting scripts 


Performance with Peter and Tamara

Afternoon – Reading scripts on camera


Brittany Hobson

Brittany is a member of Long Plain First Nation. She is a reporter with The Canadian Press and former Winnipeg correspondent for APTN News. A graduate from Red River College’s creative communications program, her work has been published by CBC, the Winnipeg Free Press and the Community News Commons.


Stewart Manhas

Stewart is Global Regina’s Morning News live photographer and truck operator. He is an longtime INCA instructor and student mentor, with longtime working experience in planning, shooting and editing compelling video. 


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Week 6 Schedule 

Monday June 6 
10-11 Scripts
11-12 Careers with Brittany and Tamara
1-3:30 work 
3:30 wrap 

Tuesday June 7 
10-12 Lessons
1:30 – 3:30
3:30 Wrap

Wednesday, June 8
Shooting, editing and writing
3:30 Wrap
4 p.m. Radio hosts on zoom with Peter

Thursday, June 9
Shooting, writing and editing 
11:30-1:30 FNU BBQ
Shooting, writing and editing 
3:30 Wrap

Friday, June 10 
Shooting, writing editing
2:30 Final INCA circle with Roland

Convocation stories – Volunteers

Crystal, Michael, Micheala, Ryea, Eric

Host Volunteers

Rebecca, Crystal, Michaela, Rebecca 

  1. Interviews in low res on Google Drive 
  2. Find clips 
  3. Write script and get it vetted by an instructor 
  4. Do stand-ups
  5. All elements and scripts to Stewart
  6. Final cut into folder (Week 5 TV Stories Final Stories)
  7. Write online story for Brittany